With the acceleration of globalization, international trade is becoming more and more prosperous, sea transport has become an important mode of transport. In the sea transportation, we often hear the "port jumping" and "container dumping". What is the meaning of "jumping" and "dumping"? What do they mean?
What is ocean transportation jumping harbor?
In the international economic trade, when the goods are transported from the starting port to the destination port, sometimes it will pass through such an important transit port, this process of transit port is called "port hopping".freight transportation services Port hopping may be due to the adjustment of ship routes, or due to the lack of direct shipping between destination ports, we need to realize the transportation of our goods through transit ports. Port hopping sometimes leads to longer working time for cargo transportation, and they may affect the incurring of other additional costs, such as port construction costs, transshipment costs, and so on.
What is ocean freight container dumping?
Container dumping is when a container (container) of cargo is not unloaded directly after the cargo arrives at the port of destination, but chooses to remain on board the ship or in a designated area of the port.door to door container shipping This usually occurs when the recipient of the cargo (i.e. the discharging party) does not arrange for timely unloading or does not have sufficient storage space. Dumping can provide a more flexible schedule for the discharging party, but it can also lead to some additional costs such as detention fees, storage costs.
In practice, jumping into ports and dumping containers are often associated with freight forwarders and shipping companies. Freight forwarders are professional organizations responsible for arranging import/export,cargo logistics transportation and related formalities, while shipping companies are responsible for shipping goods by sea. Freight forwarders and shipping companies usually communicate with and advise cargo owners on the necessity of port hopping or container dumping, and explain the associated costs and operational procedures.
Understanding the meaning of port hopping and container dumping is just as important for businesses engaged in ocean freight business capabilities in general. Port hopping and container dumping may increase the time and cost of transportation work, so it is important for shippers to fully consider these implications when booking ocean freight services. Freight forwarders and shipping companies usually offer a variety of options and prices to meet the needs of the shipper and find the most economical solution to the problem.