How to renew the US H1B work visa when it expires?

How to renew the US H1B work visa when it expires?

The H-1B visa is usually valid for three years. According to the regulations of the US Immigration Service, foreign employees holding an H-1B visa can apply to extend their stay in the United States for up to 6 years. The following is the H-1B visa renewal process:

Apply in advance

It is recommended to start preparing application materials 6 months before the H-1B visa expires and submit an extension application to the US Citizenship and Immigration Service as early as possible.postgraduate nursing in asia This will prevent your status from expiring and being unable to legally stay in the United States while waiting for approval.

Determine renewal time

The required extension of time is determined based on the employer's needs and the applicant's circumstances. The H-1B visa can be extended for 3 years at a time, up to a maximum of 6 years.

Prepare application materials

Applicants need to provide some documents to prove that they are eligible for H-1B visa extension.pre registration nursing masters These documents typically include employment contracts, letters of recommendation, tax forms and payroll records, among others. If the job title or company information changes, updated documentation will also be required.

pay fees

According to the regulations of the US Citizenship and Immigration Service,entry level masters programme in nursing applying for an H-1B visa extension requires paying relevant fees, including USCIS fees and attorney fees.

Submit Form I-129

The employer is required to submit a Form I-129 to the USCIS. The form contains information about the applicant's job position, salary, and benefits, as well as employer information.

Waiting for approval result

Applicants need to wait for USCIS to review their extension application. Approval times typically take anywhere from several months to a year. If the application is approved, the applicant will receive a new Form I-797, which will show the validity period of the visa and other relevant information.

Entry and departure

If the applicant is already in the United States, he or she may remain legally in the United States while awaiting approval. However, if the extension application is denied, the applicant must leave the United States immediately. If the applicant is awaiting approval of the extension application overseas, he or she will not be able to re-enter the United States until a new visa is obtained.

It should be noted that the specific procedures and requirements for H-1B visa renewal may vary depending on circumstances and time. Applicants are advised to consult with an experienced immigration attorney for more detailed and specific information before applying for an H-1B visa extension.