Seven warnings about skin cancer

Seven warnings about skin cancer

Seven warnings about skin cancer

Skin cancer is curable if caught early enough. Patients should be checked regularly for asymmetry, changes in borders, handheld dermatoscope color, diameter, and Nevi, itching, scabs, and bleeding, and should seek immediate medical attention. MSN Health recently came up with seven signs of skin cancer that patients should pay more attention to.

1. Very prominent moles. Look out for moles that are different in shape and color, or those that are isolated in specific areas. electronic dermatoscope If the mole is very prominent, there is a greater possibility of problems, and it may develop into skin cancer. Although a new mole does not mean that it is malignant, but with age, new moles will become less and less.

2. There is a vertical black stripe on the nail. Melanoma on the nail is rare and is often mistaken for a blood blister right next to the base of one nail. But studies of this development should raise our alarm that it may be due to melanoma.

3. Vision problems. 365nm UV Lamp Like moles on the skin, spots appear under the eyes. Doctors can only spot melanoma when the pupils dilate during an eye exam. The condition, which occurs in less than half of skin cancer patients, includes blurred vision, floaters, increasing dark spots on the iris and other problems.

4. Persistent papules. Basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma looks like a pimple, does not subside after a few weeks, and the pain does not heal or return. It is also possible for the pimple to disappear temporarily, only to grow back quickly in the same spot. When you squeeze it, no pus comes out.

5. Moles on the soles of your feet. Benign spots on the soles of the feet or on the palms of the hands should be checked frequently, especially new moles, to see if there are any changes. If you can't see the mole on the bottom of your feet because of poor flexibility, you can use a mirror to see it.

6. Some changes after mole removal. If you remove a mole and start to see pigmentation extending beyond the scar, this is very concerning, even if the original mole was benign. A mole that has spread beyond its original location indicates signs of malignant change. If you notice a lump or bulge near your scar, or if you feel pain, be sure to see your doctor.

7. A black spot on your cheek. Another aspect of melanoma that is less well known is that it grows through the mucous membranes, including the cheeks, nasal passages, anal functioning areas and the vagina. They can be sure that the students are not caused by the sun, so they ask us to check ourselves often.